August 24, 2013

ADHD and Diabetes - Horse Puckey!

Okay. I've had it. Time for a rant.

I have HAD IT with these 'scientist' mumbo-jumbo medical establishment fakers. HAD IT! I'M FED UP! A bunch of liars, reclining in their Big Pharma funded laboratories.

Listen: I don't believe in that thing they call diabetes. And nor should you. It's fake. Just a bunch of lazy-ass attention-seekers who don't try hard enough to appropriately regulate their blood glucose levels with the hormone insulin. Regulate it, you losers! Simply buckle down, spend a little energy getting your pancreas creating insulin a teensy-weensy more responsibly, stop pigging out on junk food with high carbohydrate levels and quit bitching so much.

Honestly. Like we don't all have the same problems...  We all suffer from low blood sugar at times. Right? Does that mean we all have diabetes? NOOO! What makes them so special? "OH I'M SO SPECIAL WAH WAH WAH."

Know this - diabetes is a made-up disorder, perpetuated by Big Pharma, and the totalitarian drug-pushing medical establishment who ignore the wisdom of our elders - exercise, morals, strength of pancreas and character. Insulin enslaves our youth, and alters their personalities so that their brain has appropriately regulated levels of glucose and so that their organs and CNS are not adversely affected, causing everything from wound-healing problems to amputation, organ failure, and death.

But big deal. As if we all don't have those problems. Everyone feels a little tired. Who hasn't collapsed in a coma after a hard day of work? Again, all I hear is "WAH WAH WAH I'M A WITTLE TINY BABY AND MY PANCREAS CAN'T PRODUCE ENOUGH OF MY OWN INSULIN WAH WAH GIMME A COOKIE".

This sort of preferential treatment, and pandering to special interest groups gets me so hot under the collar. I could go on, but spread this message: diabetes is fake. Don't let some 'scientist' scam-artists rob our children and adults of ill-health and poor functioning by pushing drugs (edit: I meant 'rob our children and adults of *good-health and normal functioning*... ').

Here is a little known fact, based on my EXTENSIVE research of these evil drug companies. Did you know that some insulin is OBTAINED FROM PIGS? Pigs - who  sit around in mud and who many religions forbid us from eating. Think about it. Is pig insulin EVER mentioned in any holy text, or ancient document? No? Well, the ancients knew something that many people don't know today: PIG INSULIN IS BAD. Plus, have you ever wondered why the big media are trying to expose our children to tv shows showing pigs? Programs like Olivia (about a friendly pig), or Sesame Street (which tries to make it out that pigs are fun, and are okay to play with Grover, Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, and the rest of them). You guessed it! It's because Big (pig?) Pharma wants to sell you insulin.

And Big Pharma is owned by the same people who own Big Media (hence the Sesame Street connection).

And may I remind you that pigs lay about in mud, and that mud contains so many pathogenic organisms that I can't even begin to list them. Just another reminder, I suppose, of the degeneracy of this 'diabetes-generation' who refuse to eat properly, and play video games all day long.

I'm getting tired just thinking about all of this. You know?

You know, as I write this, I'm reminded of that fake ADHD thing, also.

C'mon. Who doesn't get a little distracted? Full of energy? Impulsive? Encumbered by executive function deficits? Now THERE'S a classic example of lazy fakers pretending that they have neurobiological differences in their brains' basal ganglia components – the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus – which researchers say present statistically significant consistently diminished volumetric measurement results. They just sit around all day, acting entitled, distracted, holier-than-thou, and unable to establish effective executive function activity due - or so those 'scientists' (big pharna drones) say - in part, and related to decreased right caudate volumes, and reversed caudate asymmetry, i.e., not the typical right-left caudate relationship. In addition, apparently these biased bullcrap and horse puckey studies noted a decreased volume of the putamen, reversed putamen asymmetry, and decreased volume of the right globus pallidus.

Yeah. Sure. And AS IF consistent evidence for a genetic association to the ADHD phenotype (note that genetic researchers like to make things up and are obviously geeks don't know how to relate to real people with strong moral values like hard work, etc... ) has been shown for markers in the DA (that's dopamine to you and me, reminding me that the researchers are a bunch of dope-fiends, undoubtedly) receptor D4 (DRD4), DA receptor D5 (DRD5), DA transporter (SLC6A3/DAT1), serotonin receptor 1B (HTR1B), serotonin transporter (SLC6A4/5HTT), and synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) genes.

"SNAP"? Couldn't they think up something a little more original? Fakers. I bet that they also think Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin actually landed on the moon.

Blah, blah, blah. Be careful. They'll try to convince you that a variety of brain subregions including the frontal and parietal cortexes, basal ganglia, cerebellum, hippocampus, and corpus callosum were found to be affected in ADHD.

Diffuse striatal connection abnormalities? Horse-puckey! Did your grandparents ramble on about functional MRI studies in children and adolescents with ADHD showing decreased connectivity in fronto-striato-parieto-cerebellar networks? No! Because they had strength of character. They were REAL. Salt of the earth.

Did Churchill, or Patton babble on about this connectivity being shown to be normalized by methylphenidate except in the parieto-cerebrellar functional circuit? No. Because they had responsibilities and decency and character and forbearance and worked hard and didn't whine all day long like a bunch of babies. They just worked harder.

Imagine someone saying that imaging techniques have pointed at three areas closely related to the basal ganglia, believed to be responsible for the symptoms of ADHD, the prefrontal cortex (part of the frontal lobe), the caudate nucleus (part of the basal ganglia), and the globus pallidus (part of the basal ganglia). Well. There's just one, uh, TEENSY WEENSY problem. How do you take someone's brain, take an image of it, and put it back into their skulls afterwards WITHOUT ANY ILL EFFECTS? YOU CAN'T! THAT'S JUST IT! ALL THIS RESEARCH IS PREDICATED ON A LIE - that living brains can be removed for study without killing the patients. Right? Are you following me still?

Listen. I could go on with this rant, but I've got things to do. I'm in the midst of a house move and need to find my ADHD medication.

Rant over.


  1. Heh heh

    Funny post

  2. you don't believe in diabetes? well, so try to remove your pancreas and then we can talk. i cant believe people could be so ignorant.

  3. Umm, er, I am being ironic, you see... Give it another read. ;-)

  4. ow, sorry. i got it now. just couldnt keep reading this till the end as my blood sugars are pretty high today and having a son with adhd is not the best combination today.!!!!!!!

  5. I wish I could lock every teacher who ever publicly claimed someone's child had "issues" or "undiagosed aspergers" and subject them to some insane psychotropic drug experiment. I would like to do the same to every asshole who had the nerve to compare diabetes - a well-defined biological problem, to adhd - a vague group of childlike behaviour issues that could result from a wide variety of issues from parenting, to personality, to allergic reactions. It's apples and oranges. Just a stone to throw at people who have the guts to question "teachers".

  6. I certainly wouldn't like to be locked up and subjected to any experiments by anyone. That's not very nice of you.

    Listen - I am clearly comparing diabetes to AD/HD. Both conditions have clear biological origins and markers. The etiology of AD/HD being related to any kind of parenting has been discounted entirely by science. Personality - including temperament - is discrete and separate from the cognitive and behavioural effects that AD/HD creates within an individual. Many differential diagnoses exist for AD/HD - allergic reactions can be one of them. So can anxiety, so can thyroid problems. But these problems are not AD/HD.

    I do wish to acknowledge your position - I really do appreciate how strongly you feel about this - the validity of AD/HD as a medical condition can be a very divisive and polarizing issue. I feel very strongly about it too - and hope that somehow people in both camps could find a way to reconcile their views.

    We would both agree - I suspect - that children are precious - and should be treated medically with great care and respect. And I'm sure I could find many other areas of agreement - but it is Christmas Eve, and I have lots to do...

    I encourage you to review the International Consensus Statement on ADHD, which was published in the Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, in June of 2002 - a PDF copy of this can be found at

    An opening excerpt from this piece reads as follows:

    "ADHD and Science

    We cannot overemphasize the point that, as a matter of science, the notion that ADHD does not exist is simply wrong. All of the major medical associations and government health agencies recognize ADHD as a genuine disorder because the scientific evidence indicating it is so overwhelming.

    Various approaches have been used to establish whether a condition rises to the level of a valid medical or psychiatric disorder. A very useful one stipulates that there must be scientifically established evidence that those suffering the condition have a serious deficiency in or failure of a physical or psychological mechanism that is universal to humans. That is, all humans normally would be expected, regardless of culture, to have developed that mental ability.

    And there must be equally incontrovertible scientific evidence that this serious deficiency leads to harm to the individual. Harm is established through evidence of increased mortality, morbidity, or impairment in the major life activities required of one’s developmental stage in life. Major life activities are those domains of functioning such as education, social relationships, family functioning, independence and self-sufficiency, and occupational functioning that all humans of that developmental level are expected to perform."

  7. In my nearly two decades of life I have been diagnosed with ADD on three separate occasions, and have been reading many of your posts, which has inspired me to start my own blog about my experiences and stuff. Even though it will probably be a very short lived project, that I will get bored of once my caffeine high is gone, I was wondering if you have advice about blogging about ADD and AD/HD.


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