All Posts

Here is a list of every posting I've made on I will keep this up to date as I post anew...

April 2011
  1. Drug Free and Waiting To Go on More Drugs...
  2. Feeling Somewhat Irritable and Likely Projecting Upon Others
March 2011
  1. Changing from Strattera to Vyvanse for my Adult ADHD - Very Excited!
  2. Please Visit Blogs on the Blogroll
  3. Video: Overview on Current Trends and Controversies regarding ADHD
  4. I'm Forgetful & Freezing Cold
  5. Whoops, Forgot My Medication Today...
  6. Benefit in the Long Term by Delaying Impulses in Adult ADHD
February 2011
  1. Poem: Dream of a White Coat
  2. Job Searching, ADHD Style
  3. I'm Back, Baby, I'm Back...
October 2010
  1. Memory & Sleep & Something Else But Can't Remember
  2. Adult ADHD and Workplace / Jobs & Employment Issues
September 2010
  1. The Racing Thoughts of Adult ADHD
  2. The Racing Thoughts of Adult ADHD
  3. Titrated up to 50 mg of Strattera & an Adult ADHD / Russell Barkley Video
  4. The Hunt: Harvesting, Cooking and Eating a Giant Puffball (Calvatia gigantea) Mushroom
  5. A Lunchtime Walk on the Path - Soothing Nature
  6. I'm Still Here! Improving Day by Day and Getting Things Done!
August 2010
  1. That Which I Accomplished This Fine Day In Spite of my ADHD Addled Brain
  2. The Trials & Tribulations of Titration
  3. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  4. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  5. 50 Incredibly Useful Tips For Managing Adult ADHD
  6. First Things First - A Time Management Matrix to Help You Prioritize and Plan Your Life Better - A Self-Coaching Opportunity!
  7. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  8. David Allen's Getting Things Done - Incomplete Item Collection Process & Tool
  9. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  10. Adult ADHD Meeting (Anonymous) & List of Characteristics of an ADHD Adult
  11. ADHD Attention Inconsistency, and Poor Sleep Habits
  12. ADHD Related Choices and an Existential Thought Experiment
July 2010
  1. Things Fall Apart with Adult ADHD
  2. Time Sense, Time Management - Tools for Success with ADHD
  3. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  4. Titrated up to 30 mg Daily: Bug-Eyed & Poopy
  5. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  6. Attention Improving, Anxious & Fidgety Still, Sleep Deprivation & an Annoyingly Slow Sandwich Maker
  7. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  8. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  9. Sharing My Diagnosis with my Boss
  10. Tracking Progress on Strattera - Literature from
  11. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  12. Fever and 40 Years with Me and my ADHD
  13. Symptom Relief is Beginning to Take Hold
  14. Relaxing - Taking the Dog for an Early Evening Walk
  15. Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
June 2010
  1. People Sure Are Forgetful & Meaning Flowing Retroactively & a PWIP Tattoo
  2. Upped my Strattera Dosage, and the Difference Between PWOP and PWIP
  3. I Will Catch Up With Strattera Updates - Nature in the Meantime
  4. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  5. To The Doctor's for a Followup and Titration Up of Strattera - Side Effect and Positive Effect Review
  6. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  7. Doctor's Apppointment, but First: BBQ Pool Party
  8. Birthday Party Time! Strattera Effects
  9. Day 15 on Strattera - A Busy Friday - Muchly Organized
  10. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  11. On Strattera I am Tired, I am Weary
  12. Where Mungo Goes on a Low Stimulus Hike to Restore His Brain's Balance
  13. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  14. Possible Working Memory & Attentional Improvements - Plus a More Sensitive BS Detector
  15. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  16. Productivity, and Pattern Planning Strategies
  17. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  18. Planned an Unstoppable Decluttering, Processed Paperwork, and Yes: Drank More Metamucil.
  19. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  20. Day 10 on Strattera - Burst of Energy, Got Lots Done. Drank Metamucil.
  21. Went for a Hike as a bit of Nature Therapy
  22. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  23. How To Make Diamonds In Your Lower Digestive Tract - Writing & Reading
  24. Commentary & Notes About How Fast Strattera Takes Effect
  25. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  26. Focused in Meetings and No Side Effects from Strattera
  27. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  28. Focus in Group Meetings, Noticing Those Who are Not the Sharpest Pencil in the Box and Road Non-Rage
  29. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  30. Focus and Continuity in Group Meetings
  31. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  32. Subtle Signs of Memory Improvement in my Adult ADHD
  33. Daily Twitter Posting Roundup from @MungosADHD
  34. Minor Acid Reflux & Expectation Bias Now That I'm on Strattera
  35. Very Minor Side Effects of Strattera for Adult ADHD
  36. Day 1 on Strattera for Adult ADHD & Why I Have Decided To Change my Family Physician
  37. Oigles, Oiks, Harumph, and Pthhtptphtphtpth
May 2010
  1. Hiking & Photography - One of my Antidotes to Adult ADHD Stimulus Junky Conduct
  2. Goal: Remember So As To Do
  3. Video: Dr. Russell A. Barkley - Management of ADHD
  4. Managing My Physical & Mental Health
  5. Another Step: Blood & Cardiac Function Testing Needed Prior to Medication
  6. Another Step: Appointment with Family Physician, then Blood Tests, etc...
  7. About Atomoxetine - ATX Strattera®
  8. Thank You All for Visiting my ADHD Blog!
  9. Adult ADHD Books & Making a Medical Appointment
  10. It's Official: Adult ADHD Combined Subtype
  11. One... Two... Three! (of a Series of Sessions of my Adult ADHD Assessment)
  12. My Recent Visit to the Clinical Psychologist - 45 Minutes of Hmm...
April 2010
  1. Coming Soon: 2nd Session in my Adult ADHD Assessment - Clinical Psychologist
  2. New Feature:
  3. Journal Article: Diagnostic Approaches to Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Discord
  4. Genetic Versus Acquired ADHD & Hyperfocusing Versus Perseverative Responding: Videos Dr. Russell Barkley
  5. Next Steps in my Adult ADHD Assessment
  6. Super Big Large Gigantic List of ADHD Related Blogs
  7. Jasper/Goldberg Adult ADD/ADHD Screening Quiz by Larry Jasper & Ivan Goldberg
  8. How Do I Know If I Have Adult ADHD? Webinar Presented by Dr. Umesh Jain
  9. The Value of Screening for Adults With ADHD & The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist
  10. Diagnostic Criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from DSM-IV-TR
  11. Diagnosis of AD/HD in Adults - Set of Guidelines Around Clinicians Conducting an Evaluation
  12. Historical Autobiographical Documents - Report Cards from School
  13. Article: Adult ADHD Significantly Impacts on Social, Financial & Personal Aspects of Life
  14. Video Documentary & Interviews "My Different Life" - Parental Struggles with ADHD Child
  15. Unexpected News
  16. My Second Appointment - Coming Up!
  17. Videos: More in a Series by Dr. Russell Barkley, Ph.D at the Centre for ADD/ADHD Advocacy, Canada
  18. About an Adult ADHD Diagnosis: Who to Tell, & What to Say, & How to Tell, & When to Say, & Should I Say It At All?
  19. Symptomatic & Behavioural Red Flags for Adult ADHD
  20. Pharmacotherapy of Adult ADHD - from Clinician's Guide to Adult ADHD - Assessment and Intervention
  21. My Evolving Goals for Mungo's Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Blog
  22. Videos: Dr. Russell Barkley, Ph.D at the Centre for ADD/ADHD Advocacy, Canada
  23. Videos: Gina Pera at the Centre for ADD/ADHD Advocacy, Canada
  24. Big List of Useful Resources, Articles and Presentations about Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  25. Videos: Documentary - Adult ADHD - Myth or Reality?
  26. Videos: ADHD Neurology and Genetic Research
  27. The Day After: My First Adult ADHD Assessment Session
March 2010
  1. Up To Now: The Day Before The Adult ADHD Assessment

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