March 11, 2011

Whoops, Forgot My Medication Today...

For the first time in nearly 10 months since I've been taking Strattera, I forgot to take my tablets this morning. I was in such a rush because I wanted to get to work nice and early. I got to work at 7:20 am. Grabbed a coffee. Wrote my daily work priority list. Reviewed e-mails. Reviewed my schedule.

Then realized I'd forgotten my Strattera.

I wonder if I will notice any significant effects, i.e. worsening of attention or increased impulsivity or hyperactivity? I wonder.

Let's see how the day goes. Pleased that I'm doing my daily priority list and getting in early to get a productive start on the day, though. That's gotta count for something!


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  1. Hey'ya Mungo, I forgot my Concerta one morning and didn't realize it 'til way late in the day. Kept wondering what was wrong with me and why I was always finding myself off-track. Now my computer reminds me that I need to take it, I don't dismiss the reminder until "I HAVE ACTUALLY TAKEN IT" and I carry a spare in a pill case in my pocket ...

    What about the day I forgot to take it??? - it was a total write-off, but I'm trying to forget that ... lol

  2. I'm at work now, and just realized I forgot again. What the heck is going on with me! I'm gonna drive home at lunch at take it. Seriously. :-)

    I'm meeting with a new psychiatrist in a couple of weeks and hoping to get onto Concerta. Strattera isn't really doing it for me. We'll see.


  3. Hey'ya Mungo, I forgot my Concerta one morning and didn't realize it 'til way late in the day. Kept wondering what was wrong with me and why I was always finding myself off-track. Now my computer reminds me that I need to take it, I don't dismiss the reminder until "I HAVE ACTUALLY TAKEN IT" and I carry a spare in a pill case in my pocket ...

    What about the day I forgot to take it??? - it was a total write-off, but I'm trying to forget that ... lol


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