June 5, 2010

Very Minor Side Effects of Strattera for Adult ADHD

I woke up in the middle of the night with my bed side light still on, so maybe the Strattera made me fall asleep the moment my head hit the pillow, before the 2 second interval that I normally wait before turning off the light. Or maybe I'd just had a long day.

Today I didn't experience any urinary retention (as in difficulty in 'watering the geraniums' as noted yesterday).

I did experience a slightly shocking moment when I saw blood in my stool (yes, I just wrote that, and you just read that). But I suspect this is simply due to the constipation that Strattera can induce as a side-effect (hey, if you didn't want to read that, then you could have stopped after the previous sentence...). But that was only once, and after a brief flurry of reading medical sites, I've determined it is not something scary like Venusian Tapeworm infestation or something worse. Just a little internal distress.

Now, somewhere between side-effects and positive effects are the 'I wonder where that came from?' effects - for example, my subtle ability to levitate small objects from a distance for example. But that just might be something I've always had, but never noticed before.

I took my 10 mg dose at 7:30 PM. I'm trying to figure out a good time to take it - this is right after the toddler goes to bed. Seems a convenient time.

Anyway - more tomorrow. So far I'm feeling fine, overall.



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