I have not noticed any significant positive effects of the medication. I say 'I have not' because my expectation is that I won't actually notice anything for at least a week or two or three or four. But there have been several moments today when I've felt clear and my sense of continuity in time (i.e. related to working memory) seems to be more acute, and I find myself remembering things that normally I'm quite sure I'd have forgotten, but I think I will ascribe that to the cognitive bias known as expectation (or Experimenter's) bias.
But those brief moments were counterbalanced by a long period of time this morning where I perseverated and hyperfocused on reading news and couldn't for the life of me get away from my computer.
Had my 10 mg dose at 7:10 PM. To remember, I have an alarm set on my BlackBerry that beeps over and over and over and over again until I am tempted to shred the loathsome beeping device. To wit:
I also have set a calendar event in Google Calendar to send me an alert by e-mail.
Anyway, that's Day 3. No hair loss, no suddenly finding myself in Wisconsin, wondering who I am, and no bed wetting. So far, so good.
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