July 2, 2010

Relaxing - Taking the Dog for an Early Evening Walk

I took Monty the dog out for an early evening walk earlier this week - he had a great old time. We wandered slowly about the park, watching swallows swoop and swirl in the bright descending sunlight.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
The low sun gave some interesting lighting effects on the most mundane of subjects, like these grass blades.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
The sun was sinking in the sky, but was still almost too bright to look towards it.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
Monty enjoyed himself very much - the weather was cooling down, and he ambled about in the grass, sniffing everything he could.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
I was able to catch a swallow in flight by following it with my lens. Not very clear, but I think it gave a neat effect...

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
A pair of swallows taking a break from flying close to the ground, feeding on insects.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
A swallow taking a break from flying close to the ground, feeding on insects.

An Early Evening Dog Walk in the Park
A park bench sitting idly at the side of the field.

Hope you had a nice day too,


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1 comment:

  1. I love the swallows! They are so adorably pudgy! :3 I wish I didn't live in an apartment. I can't exactly keep a dog in here. I seem to be acquiring new pets every time I turn around at work though. I'm now looking after the school's guinea pigs over the summer for the principal. I'd almost forgotten how big those things can get. Add to that some hermit crabs and a beta fish. I hear we are replacing the newt and toad with some goldfish. Honestly, at this point it's a small zoo. :P


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